Wednesday, August 7, 2013

NYC bound?

So after many miscommunications, asking for days off and an almost cancellation we are off to New York tonight! We'll be looking at Wagner and Marymount tomorrow and then seeing The Nance at night which I am so super excited about. Also we just found out that Pippin is having a cast party at Bloomingdales between our Marymount tour and The Nance so we'll be attending thank you very much. On Friday we're seeing Pace and then Hofstra on our way back home and I'll be returning to my dad's which will be filled to the brim with Dixons for our family weekend which always begins on Friday with a Chinese food shmorgishborg. 
I'm reading The Glass Castle for school and I'm avoiding getting car sick but pretending I don't get it. Seems to be working but the natural light is waning. 
Anyways wish us luck!

Nail color: Essie's Bikini So Teenie but I wish I was wearing Play Date because it goes better with earrings and a scarf I brought. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Jo-Ann Haul: August 2nd

Just like I promised here is my Jo-Ann haul from today. I was promised that I was going yesterday with my mom, but we ended up being at the mall too late and she wanted to skip the fabric. Turns out the dress forms were only $99 yesterday. Just my luck. I've been looking to buy a dress form since I borrowed one from Stoneham Theatre when I was making my prom dress, but they're so expensive for a high school kid whose parents think this sewing thing is pretty much still a phase.
Also the super cool girl that works at my Jo-Ann was there and she's so cool agh.

Anyways, my haul:
A: A remnant with a really cool coral pattern of soft tealy blue and white- $2.50 for .5 yards
B: Remnant of blue and teal ombre chevron- $0.84 for .278 yards
C: Remnant of a ice blue and silver brocade- $10 for .667 yards
D: Remnant of red bircham floral (if you search bircham fabric on google it's literally the first image result)- $1.75 for .583 yards
E: 3.25 yards of Moroccan-y, African-y, Middle Eastern-y fabric. I got 2.625 yards for $23.63 and the remnant of .625 for $2.82
I also picked up Fray Check, 4 yards of 36" muslin, .875 yards of interfacing, a black zipper and of course my mother needed chocolate.

The cool Moroccan-y fabric is for a dress I'm making for myself for my cousin's wedding from this pattern (option C). I was looking for a floral but I thought this one was much more exciting. I'm not sure what the dress code is for the wedding but I'm just guessing its fairly nice.

Also I decided to make the leap and join the BMV Club from The McCall Pattern Company and I have already ordered patterns for blouses with bow ties, this fantastic vintage-y dress that I'm in love with, and THIS CAPE that Erica and Heather totally inspired me to purchase. I'm hoping to make one in an oxblood color with a black satin lining in Heather's style. 

I'm going to start cutting up the cool fabric for my dress while watching netflix upon netflix.
Wish me luck

Nail color:
Same Newlyweds but my sister smashed a bottle of Essie's No Place Like Chrome the other day so half of my nails are covered in that.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Oh, hey.

Let's not talk about how it's been almost three years since I've written something on this website.
Let's not talk about my trials and tribulations over the last three years.
Let's not talk about the same shit stuff as three years ago.

Let's talk about now.
Take you through the college process and whatnot, because yes, ladies and gentlemen I will be starting my senior year of high school in about 27 days. Hollah.
 Also I need something to keep me motivated through my (far too) many sewing projects I must complete before college season comes in full swing because I am a hopeful costume technology major. Hella stella.

I was planning on a YouTube channel, but fuck. Who has the time or the not being awkward in front of a camera skills for that? Because this girl does not.

Anyways I'm currently procrastinating my summer reading and making my dress for my cousins wedding at the end of September, but I have buttloads of time for that. Tomorrow I am heading to Joann's and will most likely make a haul post because I have a coupon and money from my summer job.
Whenever I feel like I'm wasting money I remind myself: This shit is going to get me into college. And I should  probably sell things to people at school because lol broke-ass high school kid.

Things I've fallen in love with recently:
>>Sewing/ DIY/ Pattern Review Bloggers
>>Oxblood (Even though apparently it's 'out' this year? fuq dat yo)
>>Looking forward to fall
>>Telling myself I'm going to go to football games if only to oogle at a boy

 Nail Color: H&M: Newlyweds
(It's more buttery than the picture. It's gorge, I wore it to prom. It would look great on a tan, if only I had one.)